Pact for Skills: Analysing of up- and reskilling policy initiatives and identifying best practices
Treating up- and reskilling activities as a top priority is paramount for the EU. By addressing technological advancements, driving economic growth, achieving sustainability goals, mitigating social disparities, and anticipating future challenges, the EU can position itself as a global leader in the 21st century. It is through these strategic investments [...]
European Commission’s Transition Pathway for Construction
The update of the EU Industrial Strategy highlights the need to accelerate the green and digital transitions. In this context, a co-creation process was launched to create a Transition Pathway for Construction (published on 15 March 2023) and describe the conditions and recommended actions to achieve a resilient, competitive, more [...]
Communication on a recommended 2040 emissions reduction target
On 6.02. the Commission published a detailed impact assessment on possible pathways to reach the agreed goal of making the European Union climate neutral by 2050. Based on this impact assessment, the Commission recommends a 90% net greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2040 compared to 1990 levels, launching a discussion [...]
Briefing: Forest reproductive material
Source: Think Tank -EU Parliament On 5 July 2023, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a regulation on the production and marketing of forest reproductive material (FRM) to replace the current FRM Council Directive. The proposal would widen the scope of the current legislation to include not only [...]
Delegated Regulation on fire performance testing of wooden cladding and panelling: Council to consider 3-month extension of the scrutiny period
According to a European Council document dated 22.01.2024, the institution representing the interests of the Member States is considering the possibility of a 3-month extension of the scrutiny period regarding the Delegated Regulation on fire performance testing of wooden cladding and panelling. According to the document, “the Permanent Representatives Committee [...]
Production in construction down by 1.0% in both the euro area and the EU
In November 2023 compared with October 2023, seasonally adjusted production in the construction sector decreased by 1.0% in both the euro area and the EU, according to first estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In October 2023, production in construction fell by 0.6% in the euro [...]
Council meeting – Monitoring framework for resilient European forests
Ahead of the Council "Agriculture and Fisheries" meeting on 23 January 2024, member states representatives are invited to answer about the 3 specific questions: Considering the content of the Proposal and to guide the negotiations within the Council, Ministers are invited to exchange views on the following questions: 1. In [...]
Question for Written Answer: Establishing green lead markets and green public procurement in the EU
9.1.2024 Priority question for written answer P-000043/2024 to the Commission Rule 138 Christian Doleschal (PPE), Andreas Schwab (PPE) EU industry has started making the switch to using green raw materials in production processes as part of the transition, following the path set out in the Green Deal. For the Green [...]
The Belgian presidency programme
The Belgian presidency programme sets out the priorities and main directions of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU. The Belgian term takes place from the 1st of January to the 30th of June 2024. Belgium assumes the rotating presidency for the thirteenth time, at a moment when [...]
Women in construction, wood and forestry – A resource toolkit for gender equality at work
Women working in the European Union (EU) construction, wood and forestry industries continue to be severely underrepresented. There is an upward trend, but the pace is slow. Too slow. This state of play needs to be altered, and the players need to focus more on the opportunities to achieve the [...]
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