Reward farmers, foresters and SMEs for absorbing CO2
Source: 21 Nov 2023 · Source: Group of the European People's Party (EPP) “To achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the EU must reduce greenhouse gas emissions and compensate for residual emissions that cannot be eliminated by increasing carbon absorption. In other words, it is no longer enough to reduce our [...]
At a Glance: Union certification framework for carbon removals (CRCF)
Source: European Parliament The carbon removals certification framework proposed by the European Commission is considered an essential tool to deliver climate neutrality by 2050, which requires increased deployment of and investment in carbon removal technologies and initiatives. The proposal aims to ensure a transparent and credible governance framework for building [...]
Inflation forecast to drop further and EU economy to show modest upturn
The European Commission has published its Autumn 2023 economic forecast. It predicts that economic activity will gradually recover and inflation will continue to go down. This is set against a slowdown in the EU economy, due to the high cost of living and increased interest rates, among other factors. Overall, [...]
Written Answer to a Question: Circumvention of sanctions against Russia by third countries in the timber trade
Answer given by Ms McGuinness on behalf of the European Commission "Tackling possible sanctions circumvention attempts, including through third country jurisdictions, is among the EU’s key priorities. On 23 June 20 23, the Council adopted the 11th package of sanctions against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which focused on strengthening existing [...]
Wood Traceability: have your saying
In the framework of the EU funded Project SINTETIC (information available on the dedicated website) sawmills, forest owners, wood machineries producers (etc) are invited to share views on the current state of digitalization in the European timber supply chains and shape the visions for the future. Answering to this questionnaire, [...]
The European biomass puzzle Challenges, opportunities and trade-offs around biomass production and use in the EU
EEA Report No 8/2023This report looks at how biomass can help us reach our climate and environmental objectives, and how climate change might affect the EU's biomass production in agriculture and forest sectors. It also discusses key synergies and trade-offs in the use of biomass for different policy objectives. Extract: [...]
EU Nature restoration law: reached the provisional agreement
On 9 November 2023, a provisional agreement was reached between the European Parliament and the Council on the Nature Restoration Law. Once adopted and applied in the EU Member States, the law is expected to help in reaching climate neutrality by 2050 and increasing Europe's preparedness and resilience to the [...]
HLCF Webinar on the outcomes from the Blueprint for Skills and its link to the Pact for Skills
Investing in skills development is crucial for achieving the green and digital transitions in the construction ecosystem and building future resilience. The High Level Construction Forum is therefore organising a webinar on two flagship initiatives, the Blueprint for Skills and the Pact for Skills, and their link to the pledges [...]
Commission work programme 2024
Source: EU Commission The 2024 Commission Work Programme, adopted on 17 October 2023, puts a strong focus on simplifying rules for citizens and businesses across the European Union. This follows up on President von der Leyen’s commitment to reduce reporting requirements by 25%, in line with our strategy to boost [...]
Briefing: Plant and forest reproductive material
Briefing 06-10-2023 - EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service This IA supports the proposals for a revision of the plant and forest reproductive material legislative framework. It effectively presents the need for a revision, to avoid further divergence in implementation across Member States, thus ensuring a level playing field on the [...]
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